Corporate cell phone policy pdf merge

How to create an effective policy on cell phones at work. The mobile policy board will convene quarterly to prioritize issues for the executive title approval. There will be no approval granted to an employee to seize their wireless number upon separation from firm. The two companies are one, and will spend the next 3 years integrating service. Numerous studies have demonstrated how the use of cell phones and other wireless devices while driving pose a significant safety risk to motorists, their passengers and others on the road. The allowance is intended to reimburse the employee for the average. Merge and create pdfs free on your phone the soda pdf merge app will let you combine multiple files into a single pdf from any mobile. You may want to consider the following suggestions when creating your policy. First aid hazards occupational stress slips and trips noise display screen equipment manual handling. Information and communication technology cell phone policy. Place on company letterhead company cell phone personal cell phone reimbursement policy designated. The following cell phone policy refers to cell phones and smartphones that are generally used by exempt employees as they pursue the effective performance of their jobs.

Cell phone use while driving is prohibited while on weeks medical center business unless using hands free technology. Fill out this form to become a member and get access to all resource, videos, and whitepapers on proformative. For information on south africas response to covid19 please visit the covid19 corona virus south african resource portal. Corporate cell phone policies must address perils from other. It began in the past when people only had mobile phones or cellular phones. Cell phone policy adopted by council on 28 august 20. Handsfree options please note that talking on a phone through handsfree options like bluetooth, or having texts and emails read over the cars speakers are safer than holding a phone or trying to read a text or email. I agree that any personal use of any provided mobile communication device, will be identified on. Employee smartphone usage is eating up the time you want your employees to be working. The college shall routinely monitor employees cellphone statements. A good cell phone usage policy should address current state laws about cell phone use while driving. Recognizing that cell phones are used for legitimate business purposes, they are allowed in work areas for hospital business only. That policy currently says that if the employee uses their cell phone more than 50% of the time for company business, the company will reimburse the entire bill, minus any actual private.

It only works with supported motorola cell phones which are listed on the site. The following tips will provide additional guidance about protecting your employees and your company. Employees provided with company cell phones must respect that these phones are meant for business purposes. Create a company cell phone policy in minutes with this printable and downloadable free sample template. A cell phone agreement for company use is a contract between an employer and employee, whereby the employer will provide the employee with a company cell phone for business use. The use of a cell phone s recording or photographic capability on company premises is prohibited.

Cell phones may be used for personal business on breaks and during meal periods only. Any application that such employee should qualify for a cell phone allowance during the acting secondment period, must be approved by the manager. Company cell phone policy downloadable sample templates. Personal electronic devices include, but are not limited to, personally owned cell phones, tablets, laptops and computers. However most employers with total ban cell phone policies report. You need to have some idea or guidelines for writing down the company cell phone policy. The policy applies to staff hired on or after september 1, 2014, and to existing staff who did not already have a harvard phone or receive reimbursement or other subsidy for a personal mobile phone as of september 1, 2014. Technology reimbursement the department may provide a technology reimbursement to the employee through payroll for the use of a personal wireless devices. How to create a company cell phone policy for employees. Employees are not authorized to use personal cell phones in place of company provided phones and radios. Cell phone policy adopted by council on 28 august 20 2.

This policy applies to all members of the club, and relates directly to the appropriate codes of conduct. Companyidentifying information has been removed from all policies, no other content in the. To date, no single model of cell phone reimbursement has become an industry norm. This employee cell phone use policy is effective as of the date day of month, year company cell phones. They are an intrinsic part of the employees ability to perform. Free corporate cell phone policy how best to reimburse.

Sample policy company cell phone or reimbursement for. Cl to il corporate liable to individual liable it is the firms policy that the wireless numbers associated to all firm issued smartphone and cell phone devices are firm owned. When establishing company cell phone policy, you need to be sensitive towards the employee usage of company cell phones and their personal cell phone. Conduct regular sessions to inform your employees about the rules of using company cell phone. Corporate mobile policy template page 6 policy owner the executive title is the owner of this policy. Employer liability and the case for comprehensive cell phone.

The inappropriate use of mobile phone devices could expose the hse to risks including, theft. A merger is an agreement that unites two existing companies into one new company. It is very likely that all of your employees bring a cell phone to work every day, therefore, it is very important to either establish a cell phone policy or. Legislation banning the use of handheld cell phones while driving was passed by the saskatchewan legislature and became law on january 1, 2010. Creating a policy for employee mobile phone reimbursement can be tricky. For the specific purpose of this policy, a cell phone can be defined as any device that is used to make or receive calls, send or receive media content, browse the. Employees who receive a cellular phone allowance for a college owned cell phone in accordance with the cellular phone allowance policy are not limited to occasional personal use. Does your organization have a cell phone policy in place. These employees use their phones at home, at work, at client locations, and to address the needs of customers. The use of a cell phones recording or photographic capability on company premises is prohibited. A company cell phone policy is a useful way for a business to establish and enforce a set of expectations about cell phone usage at work.

Cell phoneelectronic device use policy page 3 general procedures use of cell phones while driving is strictly prohibited this includes all functions of the cell phone including, but not limited to, phone calls, text messagingsms, email, mms, internet use, camera use, etc. Employees may only use their cell phones during their breaks. Duke university mobile communication device policy. There are several types of mergers and also several reasons why companies complete mergers. Personal calls during the work hours, regardless of the phone used, can. The executive title must approve any and all exceptions to the. Nov 28, 2004 merge even supports voice dialing for those motorola cell phones with voice dialing feature. Flexibility will be provided in circumstances demanding immediate attention. How to write a good security policy for byod or companyowned mobile devices.

Incoming cell phone calls will have a distinctive ring and display caller id on your home phones. Work duties on personal cell phones if your employees are making calls, sending texts or emails, or browsing the web for workrelated reasons via personal. Telephone and cell phone policy t elephones and p erson al c ell p ho n es while at work employees must exercise the same discretion in using personal cell phones as for the use of company phones. During this time, technology has merged with peoples lives. Personal electronic devices include, but are not limited to, personally owned cell phones. Mobile device acceptable use policy template grants its employees the privilege of purchasing and using smartphones and tablets of their choosing at work for their convenience. Now comes the part, where your employees need to be communicated these policies. Understanding the bringyourown device landscape by. If you feel you may qualify for a cell phone plan reimbursement, please speak with your supervisor and then contact debbie humphrey via email with a request for reimbursement. The company name cell phone policy offers general guidelines for using personal and company cell phones during work hours the purpose of this policy is to help us all get the most out of the advantages cell phones offer our company while minimizing distractions, accidents, and frustrations improper cell phone use can cause. With the cell phones origin as a corporate productivity tool, the concern. Employees may have the opportunity to use their personal devices for work purposes when authorized in writing, in advance, by the employee and management. Cell phones issued by the company are company property. This mobile device byod policy template is meant to be used only as a guide for creating your own mobile device byod policy based on the unique needs of your company.

Below are two generic workplace templates that you can use to quickly create a cell phone policy at work. The cell phone company policy may also be referred to as a no mobile phones at work policy or a bring your own device byod policy. Corporate policies addressing cell phone use need to seek a broader context, encompassing not just cell phones but blackberries, iphones and pdas. Cell phone or smartphone policy sample for workplaces. Internet, email, and computer usage policy policy statement the use of challenge network, including computers, fax machines, copiers, phone and all forms of internetintranet access, is for company business and for authorized purposes only. Dont we need cell phones in crisis situations like new town, connecticut. Basic work rules and expectations north colonie central. We recognize that smartphones are an integral part of everyday life and are a great asset if used for productivity apps, calendars, business calls, and the like. The cell phone policy of a company is merely a list of rules and guidelines that explain the dos and donts of using a cell phone in a work environment and during working hours. It can be included in the companys employee manual, so that each employee knows what the rules are when it comes to using his or her cell. When drafting corporate policy on cell phone use, go beyond that tool to include policies on the whole range of corporate communication tech tools. Pros and cons of giving an employee a company cellphone. How to create a corporate cell phone policy abacus. Excessive personal calls or texting during the work day, regardless of.

Use of personal cell phones pdas while at work, employees are expected to exercise the same discretion in using personal cell phones and pdas as is expected for the use of district phones cell or land line. This form is designed to assist you in drafting a letter of complaint when you want to share your cell phone policy with employees. Personal cellular phones, pagers, ipodstablets and other. As with any policy, please read it thoroughly and make sure it is exactly how your company would like to proceed and approved by your legal counsel. Cell phone policy at work cell phone policy template. The monthly cell phone allowances are shown in table a of appendix a of this policy. Cellular and desk telephone policy state university of. This employee cell phone policy outlines guidelines for using cell phones and other mobile devices at work. Companies can and should establish policies for personal use of company cell phones, but most employees dont want to conduct personal business on a cell phone they know their employer can monitor.

What to be considered when creating cell phone policy. Cellular phone usage policy molemole local municipality. Separating program cell phone from personal cell phone use can protect teachers as well as children. Merge even supports voice dialing for those motorola cell phones with voice dialing feature. When driving, always use a handsfree phone, a bluetooth headset or a corded headset when possible. Page 1 page 2 table of contents page 3 page 4 page 5 page 6 page 7 page 8 page 9 page 10 page 11 page 12 get started page page 14 set up your phone page 15 remove a sim card page 16 charge the battery page 17 turn your phone on and off page 18 turn your screen on and off page 19 setup wizard page 20 page 21 phone basics. Following is an example of a policy regarding cell phone access and usage.

Introduction and summary for this benchmarking activity, 34 manufacturing companies submitted their attendance policies. We recognize that cell phones and smartphones especially have become an integral part of everyday life. This includes not leaving the mobile phone unattended in a vehicle or out of the workplace. Company issued mobile phones must be properly cared for by the employee who is issued the phone. Corporate communications commons, human resources management commons. Other terms for a cell phone agreement include an employee cell phone policy or company cell phone usage policy. Some organizations have cell phone policies that are very outdated, dealing only with issues surrounding personal phone calls, while others simply dont have cell phone policies at all. The mobile device and carrier policy will be updated by the board as required. This policy is to provide employees with a choice of the use of a personal mobile phone in lieu of organisational mobile phones.

Personal use of an assigned cellular phone shall be occasional, for example, while away on business related trips, or for emergencies. This employee cell phone policy is ready to be tailored to your companys needs and should be considered a starting point for setting up your employment policies. Its rare anymore to see people without a cell phone within easy reach, but not many people want to carry two cell phones. The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to the university community regarding the proper procurement, use, and possession of mobile communication and information devices, including, but not limited to cellular telephones, handheld or tablet computers with cellular data capability, internet access, personal digital assistants pdas, etc.

That said, i do have a company handbook and always institute one at every company which clearly lays out the corporate cell phone reimbursement policy. Find out the best way to keep smartphones and tablets safe from hackers and the. Sample distracted driving policy of increasing concern to company name is the proliferation of mobile electronics. Users may must be cautious about the merging of personal and work email. The allowance must be terminated at the end of the acting secondment appointment. Best practice 100 departmental procedures phone services revised 01022020 asu financial services page 2 option 1. Cell phone policy companyissued cell phones the company may issue cell phones to employees whose jobs require them to make calls while away from work or require them to be accessible for workrelated matters. Creating an employee cell phone usage policy is the first of many steps in establishing a healthy, professional, and disputefree workplace. Cell phone policy principia does not typically reimburse employees for cell phone plans unless an employee must have a cell phone to effectively do their job at principia. Personal mobile phones should be set to silent mode or turned off during work hours and usage should be kept to a minimum. The aim of the mobile phone policy is to promote safe and appropriate practice through establishing clear acceptable use through guidelines. When a new candidate joins the company, ensure, that they are thoroughly familiarized with company policies. We will not be liable for the loss of personal cell phones brought into the workplace. The nsc cell phone policy kit is made possible through generous donations from nsc employees.

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